2) The mum cycled back to her house.
3) While she was cycling, some torn lanterns were being blown by the wind.
4) Also have to show the half moon.
5) She is tired and dirty.
6) She opened the door, saw her child doing something(Normal routine for the child)
7) She entered and closed the door.
8) A moth flies and land outside the window of their house.
9) The child used old and almost spoilt brush to paint lanterns.
10) Child looked at her.
11) Child approached her 1st.
12) Mum sayang her while she put her bag of stuffs on the table.
13) Mum gave her acknowledgement, smiled at her.
14) The mum became tired, and then put her bag of stuffs on the table.
15) Then she went to sleep.
16) Child facial expression started to change.
17) She started to get lonely again.
18) Child curious.
19) She climbed on the table, open it and pulls the brush out.
20) All stuffs drop and cover her.
21) Then she pushes herself